Meet the Woods

Tony has served as Pastor-Teacher of Mission Bible Church in Orange County, CA, since 2010. He completed a doctorate from the Master’s Seminary, is the co-host of Date Night with the Woods, and has authored multiple books.

Bre has been married to her best friend, Tony, for 19 years. They have two sons and one daughter, ages 17, 15, & 9. Bre is the co-host of Date Night with the Woods. She enjoys homeschooling her children, discipleship, & counseling at Mission Bible Church.

Why Date Night?

The reality is, everyone is lacking something – even those you believe have it all together.

When we used to peruse the Marriage and Family section at Barnes and Noble, we’d glance at the book jacket, envision two smiling co-authors, and assume they led an idyllic life. Then we had the chance to meet a few. Over the years, we've encountered prominent pastors, thought-leaders, authors, and counselors, sought after for their insights on a "fulfilled" family. And, unsurprisingly, they're just like you and me – with imperfections, body aches, sour moods, insecurities, real disagreements, and yes, even name-calling. Just ordinary people.

As we embark on this Date Night journey together, it's crucial to establish that Bre and I are as regular and unremarkable as any couple can be. Average grades, no red carpet walks, no platinum-selling singles or Mercedes rides. Look us up on Wikipedia – you can't – exactly.

Our relationship roots are not just average; they're rocky. Bre's biological father left the family when she was three, leaving her devoted mother to work overtime to provide. Tony, raised in the church by loving parents, was a rebellious party animal, nearly expelled from college (twice!), and unfaithful in relationships.

Simply put, without God's grace intervening in our lives at ages 22 and 19, prompting penitence and restoration, there'd be no story to tell, no ideas to share, and no reason for either of us to wake up each morning. This story, like any good story, is God's story.

Which brings us to the purpose of this podcast. We claim no moral authority. If you seek a wise sage or family therapist who has life figured out, that's not us. The only authority we offer is the authority of Scripture. While we will share a few experiential nuggets from our twenty-five years together, even those are derived from the inspired Scriptures, Tony’s study as a pastor, Bre’s biblical counseling courses, and blessed mentors who've poured so lovingly into our lives.

Unless the Lord returns, we'll keep aging, eventually becoming dust. Earthly books will burn, Barnes and Noble (like Blockbuster) will disappear, posts and podcasts will be forgotten, and even the counsel of men will fade. The eternal truth that endures is God's Word (Ecc. 12:11-12).

So, we invite you to join us – beyond photo-shopped images, closely curated platforms, even perhaps your preconceived notions of the fairytale marriage – to dive into the truths of Scripture, allowing we all marvel at and thoroughly enjoy God's design for marriage, sex, and family.